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J Health Info Stat > Volume 37(2); 2012 > Article
J Health Info Stat 2012;37(2):25-37.
일 지역 중학생의 외모스트레스 및 또래관계의 자아존중감에 대한 영향
박복남 , 강현임 , 신미경
The Impact of Appearance Stress and Peer-relation on Self-esteem of Middle School Students in an Area
Boc Nam Park , Hyun Lim Kang , Mee Kyung Shin
While not good looking physical appearances and body shape cause teenagers to be stressful, self-respect and good peer relationship can play a mediating role in reducing the stresses caused by physical appearances. The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of self-respect and peer-relation on appearance stress of middle school students.
Data were collected through structured questionnaire given to 353 students in a middle school that agreed to participate in this study. We confirmed the minimum sample size by correlation analysis using G power 3.1 program. The data were analyzed by using SPSS WINDOW 18.0 program.
When peer-relations are high, the self respect rises as well and When stress caused by appearance stress goes up, the self-respect goes down. When the peer-relations rise appearance stress decreases. Appearance stress and peer-relations affected the student`s self-respect.
In school, it is needed to have an appropriate stress management about their appearance to increase adolescents` self-respect and various program developments to improve the peer-relation.
Key words: Self-esteem, Peer relationship, Appearance stress, Middle school student
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